Psoriasis Treatment for You Need To Know Psoriasis Treatment for You Need To Know A patient of mine once complained that she had dandruff of the elbow and her description was remarkably accurate: psoriasis does look like d...
About Oxycontin Withdrawal - The Basic Things You Need To Know Health Articles About Oxycontin Withdrawal - The Basic Things You Need To Know Oxycontin is a narcotic analgesic drug which has a high risk of being abused. This is the reason why Oxycontin is illegal to sell without a ...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Value-Belief Pattern Value-Belief Pattern Value-Belief Pattern It’s focused on the person’s values and beliefs. Impaired religiosity Moral distress Readiness for enhanced religiosity...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern I its focused on the person’s perception of stress and coping strategies Support systems, evaluated sympto...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Nutritional Metabolic Pattern Nutritional Metabolic Pattern Nutritional Metabolic Pattern I t’s focused on the pattern of food and fluid consumption relative to metabolic need. Is evaluated the adeq...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Elimination Pattern Elimination Pattern Elimination Pattern It’s focused on excretory patterns (bowel, bladder, skin). Bowel incontinence Constipation Diarrhea Functional urinary ...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Activity and Exercise Pattern Activity and Exercise Pattern Activity and Exercise Pattern It’s focused on the activities of daily living requiring energy expenditure, including self-care activities...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern . It’s focused on the ability to comprehend and use information and on the sensory functions. Neurologic func...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Sleep Rest Pattern Sleep Rest Pattern Sleep Rest Pattern It’s focused on the person’s sleep, rest, and relaxation practices. To identified dysfunctional sleep patterns, fatigue...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Self-Perception-Self-Concept Pattern Self-Perception-Self-Concept Pattern Self-Perception-Self-Concept Pattern Its focused on the person’s attitudes toward self, including identity, body image, and sense of self-wo...
11 Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns Role-Relationship Pattern Role-Relationship Pattern Role-Relationship Pattern It’s focused on the person’s roles in the world and relationships with others. Evaluated Satisfaction with roles,...
Nursing Education University of Southampton BN nursing degrees: the complete package. University of Southampton BN nursing degrees: the complete package. The University of Southampton’s Bachelor of Nursing (BN) nursing degrees were the first in the country to adopt the new Nursing and Midwifer...